Monday, March 26, 2007

Gospel judgmentalism (Part II)

This should have been part of the original post on judgmentalism and the Gospel, but got left out. Just a minor oversight.

The thought to consider is based on something St. Augustine said:

A man calls himself by what he loves.

The sinner identifies himself by his sin, even the worldly man by his occupation, but we, because we love Christ, call ourselves by the name of the one whom we love, we call ourselves Christians.

Now as Christians, we have learned to love the sinner, all the while hating and detesting sin. The sinner hears us condemning what he loves and what he has named himself by, and, unable to separate himself from the sin he love, believes that we hate him, responds with anger, and hates us in return; a clue to how goodness incarnate could be so hated. This is the unavoidable consequence, and it is only with great difficulty that the one consumed by his passions can see this distinction. the worldling neither sees it, and both accuse us of dishonesty, for it is a good and godly thing to hate sin, and the one who loves it and names himself by his love, responds accordingly. Yet the truth is that he responds in error, even if oblivious to it. And thus extreme patience is necessary to instruct the ignorant, a spiritual work of mercy.

To abandon the truth in order to not offend where no actual offence is offered, even if it is taken, is to deny what the sinner actually has a right to in justice; the Truth; This is the sin of "human respect."

The sinner may believe that we hate him, but the reality is, he actually hates himself; for because we are made in the image of God,

Ps 10:6b he that loveth iniquity, hateth his own soul.

1 comment:

  1. Profound! Explains so much. Thank you.
