Yours truly introduced Mary Magdalene from a chapter in Louis of Granada's Summa of the Christian Life.
Our guest, Jayne Teske, gave a delightful presentation on Opus Dei
Sandra Ferguson followed with a presentation on the Holy Grail,
and Gayle and Stepanie by flashlight closed with more on Mary Madalene.
In the morning, our first Holy Mass at the Chapter House was celebrated!
A hearty thanks to Fr. Flores of Our Lady of the Valley for celebrating mass for us!
Holy Communion
Jim's urn
Procession with Jim's cremains to the cemetery.
The chapter gathers
for the final blessing for the interment. May God grant Jim Schuck TOP, and all the faithful departed, eternal rest.
Then, as good Dominican Tertiaries, it's back to the table to eat together,
and to study together,
and to pray together,
and then eat some more together,
to study the signs of the times,
and to praise the Lord in hymns and songs of praise.