Friday, January 25, 2008

Embracing VII is to reject abortion/contraception/euthanasia/etc

From Bishop Robert Vasa's column in the Catholic Sentinel:

Unheard joy, unseen hopes of unborn should 'raise an echo'

The snow can provide a temporary reprieve from invasive external decibels but a silence of the mind and a silence of the heart is a bit more difficult to achieve. I find this to be particularly true during this season of presidential primaries. There is a lot of talk, a lot of rhetoric, a lot of "noise." Since the matter at stake is not only that of choosing presidential candidates but, more importantly, what they represent, there can be no doubt that there are matters of life and death at stake. There are a lot of genuinely important human rights and human dignity issues which need to be addressed. Some of these, particularly abortion, contraception and assisted suicide, have a direct bearing on the promotion of a culture of life or a culture of death. Our nation claims to seek "liberty and justice for all" but the word "all" is not as inclusive as it needs to be and the definition of "liberty" is often quite self serving. In truth there is great emphasis on granting licensed liberty to many different classes of persons but there is not yet an adequate granting of genuine "liberty and justice" to the poorest and the most helpless of persons; the pre-born child in the womb. As we think about how to translate the echoes of the cries of human concerns into definitive and life giving action during this politically charged year it is essential that we listen in contemplative silence, perhaps both external and internal, to the voice of God and remember that Christ "was crucified and rose again to break the strangle hold of personified evil, so that the world might be fashioned anew according to God's design and reach its fulfillment." [1] There is much emphasis these days on fashioning a newer and a better world but much that has been purportedly better and newer in the past has failed to be in accord with God's design and thus, despite the apparent progress, does not in reality bring us any closer to God-centered fulfillment.

(1)Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes "On the Church in the Modern World", 12-7-65)

The good bishop exposes as frauds those who purport to embrace Vatican II while also embracing the host of social evils currently unleashed (abortion, euthanasia, contraception, sodomy, denegration of marriage, etc).

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