Thursday, June 10, 2010

Veni Creator Spiritus

Here's a video of the area at Lourdes were the water is available to pilgrims to drink and to fill their containers. The music is intermittent and non-stop all day (and starts around the 30 second mark in this video).

Veni Creator Spiritus, along with the Te Deum, are two of the fine selections for the ordination which took place last tonight at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Five young men received the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Holy Orders and were marked forever as priests; Thanks be to God! pray for them and all priests!

Fr. Franisco Humberto Godinez Torres
Fr. Chase Raymond Hasenoehrl
Fr. Brian Thomas Gregory May
Fr. Germán Osorio-Hernández
Fr. José Trinidad Ramírez Pérez


  1. praying for these priests. The video is great Mark. I hope to get to Lourdes one day.

  2. I do hope you are able to. When it is time, Our Lady will arrange for it happen!
