This is Fr. Vincent Serpa O.P., who is the Provincial Promoter of the (Dominican) Laity; Father yesterday started us with an awesome meditation on the charism of St. Dominic and why we do what we do (for the salvation of souls and the glory of God!) and why it is important not to get distracted by, well, distractions!

On of the tasks of the meeting is for the chapter representatives to report on their chapter' it's health, what it's doing for it's formation, and it's apostolic activities (see above!). This is Denise from the Queen of Angles chapter in Los Angles; if you've seen the HOLYWOOD sign on the hill, they meet at the Dominican convent directly below that sign. in other words, in the heartland of evil. Passionate about apostolate? Oh yeah!

This is Karen Woods, outgoing LPC President, introducing Fr. Emmerich Vogt, Prior Provincial of the Province of the Holy Name of Jesus. Father was chaplain to Mother Theresa for 20 years, and teaches the 12 steps. Can this man ever speak and convey a message (see above)!

One item of business was the election of a new LPC president, vice president, treasurer, and the appointment of a new justice promoter and formation promoter. This was something that needed prayer and consideration and here are a few rep's gathered in the grotto to pray a rosary.

The grotto is a lovely oasis in Oakland. Those who have seen it understand what I mean.

But it's late, almost midnight by Boise time and I've been up since 5am, so I need to fold my tent and I will continue this tomorrow, as I can hardly see straight anymore. God bless,!
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