Friday, May 18, 2012

Episcopal ordination in Bend underway

The episcopal ordination of Fr Liam Cary is just getting underway in Bend.

watch it live here:

The deacons and priests enter; here's our beloved Fr Andrew!

The bishops

including Cardinal George, who is the former archbishop of Portland.
Bishop Vasa is in there somewhere, as is the Apostolic Nuncio

The gloria was sung in Latin. beautifully!

Bishop Vlazny chanted the introit, in English. He has a beautiful voice!

Bishops Vlazny, Vasa, and Skylstad come to thr fore while the choir sings Veni Creator Spiritus

The apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Vigano, reads the order from the Holy Father

Bishop designate, his excellency Liam Cary (on right)



prostration during the litany

The principal and then all bishops lay hands

The book of the gospels is held over his head

while Archibishop Vlazny sings the prayer of ordination

then we have the annointing with sacred chrism

and then the ring, mitre, and crozier.
The mitre chosen by Bishop Cary is an "Ambrosian mitre"

Then the new Bishop is seated in the cathedra

Today is the birthday of Blessed John Paul II

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