Sunday, June 21, 2015

11th annual Mary Magdalene Retreat in July

The Blessed Margaret of Castello Chapter of the Third Order of St Dominic is pleased to announce that Fr Vincent Kelber OP will be retreat master for the 11th annual Mary Magdalene Retreat at Chapter House in Homedale. The retreat will start Friday evening and conclude on Sunday mid-day. Mass in the Dominican Rite will be offered each day. Further details will be posted as the schedule firms up.

Guests are invited to attend the retreat, or just the Masses. The Mass (tentative) schedule is:

7PM Friday, low Mass (followed by dinner)
5PM Saturday, low Mass (followed by dinner)
11AM Sunday, Missa Cantata (followed by lunch)

for directions, click  Map to Chapter House on the sidebar.

**NOTE: If you are interested in the Traditional Latin Mass, and would like to help, participate, or to stay informed on activities, please visit the Dominican Rite Council page, and sign up. Support Liturgical Diversity!


***Breaking! Fr Gabriel Mosher OP will be here for the retreat!! Fr Gabriel was ordained this year and this is a wonderful blessing for us. We will miss Fr Kelber, but warmly welcome Fr Mosher!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Idaho Dominicans form group to promote the Traditional Mass in the Dominican Rite

The Blessed Margaret of Castello Chapter has established the Dominican Rite Council, the mission of which is:

To promote traditional Catholic worship, with an emphasis on the Dominican Rite of the Mass.

Participation is open to anyone interested in promoting the Traditional Mass. Please visit the Dominican Rite Council page and sign up.