Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yard Sale announcement

The 4th Annual
Lee Family Yard Sale Fundraiser

May 27 and 28, Fri and Sat


Mike will have finished his Doctorate in Theology and the family will be returning to The States.

We're holding one last yard sale to help them get a strong start in their new home.


Trana Family Home
175 N. Black Cat Rd. Meridian, ID 83642
Near Black Cat Rd & Franklin Rd

How can I help?

Donate gently used, good quality items for the sale. Items most needed: furniture, household appliances, outdoor goods (working lawn mowers, etc). What's in your garage/attic/

basement/spare room? Donate those items to the sale address beginning May 16, 2011 (daylight hours). Contact Lauren: 283-5344 laurentrana654@gmail.com

Volunteer to help prepare for or work the sale.
Contact Lisa Penzkover (before she contacts you.) 362-7701 penzfamb810@msn.com

Bring food for volunteers.
Be a part of the pricing team.
Contact: Rebecca Sharratt 887-0073 ras7ymh@aol.com

Brought to you by:

LIFTID: Ladies in Faith Together - Idaho http://ladiesinfaith.org
FOTMLF: Friends of the Mike Lee Family http://sevenlees.blogspot.com

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


How many times do we hear (or pose) a variant the question “If there is a God who loves us, why does he allow suffering?” or more to the point, “If God loves me, why does he allow me to suffer?

As we approach Passion Sunday, the question again bears some reflection. In order to do this, let us first cease to think of ourselves first, and think about love in its highest form, the love of the Holy Trinity. For, as it is said, the Father loves the Son, and the Son loves the Father, and this love is so perfect it is a Person, the Holy Spirit. Now there is no greater love than this, and this is the love that human life was created to enter into. So as we look at Jesus, in all he has done, his agony in the garden, his death on a cross, we see that the Father who loves the Son permits His Son to endure the most unspeakable suffering which man can inflict and endure. And the Son does this out of love for the Father, and for us, for also there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend.

We are confronted with the reality that there is something so much more valuable in the eyes of God than our mere comfort, and that in attaining this something, somehow suffering is a part.

If we turn our thoughts back to Lazarus, we see a bit of that Trinitarian love of Father and Son mirrored in the love of friends, Jesus and Lazarus. For Lazarus was one of Jesus’ best friends, yet Jesus allowed him to suffer and die, before taking action at the request of other friends, and raising him from the dead. To be a friend of God is to embrace the suffering which will come our way, which it will. And Lazarus means “Friend of God.”

According to Aquinas, the suffering of hell by the reprobate spirits is that they will other than what is or what is not (as explained by Abbot Vonier in “The Human Soul”). Thus, our suffering is compounded when we will against that which is or is not; when we align our will with God’s permissive will, in the sense of accepting what has been permitted, then do we find we have entered the way where the peace which passes all understanding is to be found.

I don’t really expect those who repose in the question which I began will really understand this if they don’t already, but it helps me to put these thoughts together in order to recall and focus on the source and destination of Life, before whom with St Paul we learn to say “I count all things as loss”. For those to whom this makes no sense, I can only suggest: "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened." - Sound advice, I read it in a good book.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cristiada - Defending the Faith

Armed gunmen invade a Catholic church, shooting the faithful in prayer and murdering the priest. The Middle East today? Germany in the 1940s?

At America's back door in the 1920's the Mexican Government, headed by the atheist Plutarco Elías Calles, began an all-out assault on the Catholic Church, and especially the clergy of Mexico. In reponse, thousands rose up in armed revolt against the repressive Mexican government and in defense of the Church and religious freedom. The uprising became known as the Cristeros War, or Cristiada.

Now, Newland Films, a Mexican production company, is releasing a new film, Cristiada, about the Cristeros War. The movie stars Andy Garcia and Peter O'Toole, and is already garnering interest as a stirring tribute to those who risked their lives in defense of the faith in Mexico. The makers of the film describe it a: "A chronicle of the Cristeros War (1926-1929) which was touched off by a rebellion against the Mexican Government's attempt to secularize the country. The film follows the stories of ordinary people from across the country who choose to stand up for their freedom. Caught up in a full-fledged civil war, they must decide how far they are willing to go and what they're willing to risk."
From the Friars Blog of the Eastern Province (Link)

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Re: Lay Dominican Chapter Meeting Saturday April 16, 2011 and Dominican Overseas Education; Relief Society fundraiser on May 2nd DOERS (www.doersmissions.org).

Dear Dominicans, Friends, & Prayer Members:

1. Dominican Overseas Education & Relief Society -- May 2nd Dinner Fundraiser: See details here: www.doersmissions.org. Questions? Send Kasey Smart an email at Kasey@doersmissions.org; or call me at 208.375.2532. Great Job D.O.E.R.S Committee, affiliated with the Idaho Lay Dominicans, for the hard work, commitment, and excellence you achieve on behalf of the children in Honduras and the Dominican Mission in Mexicali.

2. Lay Dominican Meeting Telecast:

There has been much discussion to set up a live internet link so that outlying inquirers and professed members of the Chapter in Moscow & Twin Falls, Idaho, and in eastern Oregon and Washington states, may access the monthly meetings on an interactive basis. I am working on that access; or should I say that my son, Matthew, is graciously working on that issue. Regardless, this is our first meeting on the internet whether interactive or not. Please have patience. Presently, he has set up a link to access the meeting via the internet at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, April 16, 2011. Here it is:


At present, this is only one way and not interactive. The logistics for a two-way connection are being worked on. Regardless, there are some "bugs" to work through. If it is not interactive, someone at the meeting will be there to monitor emails: you can send comments and questions via email and they will be addressed as sent. Please send an email if you have a question or comment to:


In the event that interactive is available, then you will access the above site and will be able to communicate with the Chapter meeting if you have the necessary computer, internet connection, camera, and microphone. Please pray that we can make this interactive.

You are invited to attend the Chapter meeting date, time, and place:

Begins with Rosary with lunch and meeting to follow at 11:00 a.m.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

St. Paul's Catholic Student Center
1915 University Avenue
Boise, Idaho

For more information: www,dominicanidaho.org.

Have a Blessed Lenten Season & Holy Week.

In peace & faith,


John Keenan, O.P.

Lay Dominican