Thursday, March 08, 2007

Compassion is not compromise; compromise is not compassion

Bishop Robert Vasa, Diocese of Baker


8. Compromise relative to the demands of the Gospel and the clear teachings of the Church is not easy to accommodate. I recognize that I have a serious obligation before God to teach the truths of the Catholic Church and I am not, as far as I can understand, authorized by the Lord to compromise or change His word or the teachings of His Church. This ecclesial inability and personal unwillingness to compromise the Lord’s teachings does not preclude compassion and understanding in regard to those who see the truth but experience serious weakness in living up to it. In such cases there is a humble and ardent recognition of weakness and sinfulness and a sincere striving to advance and grow in holiness and in faithfulness to the teachings of the Church. Here one recognizes the need for confession and the need for God’s healing grace. Here one prays, not that the Church will change because of a personal conviction that She is wrong, but rather that our hearts be changed and converted more fully to the Lord who has given us this Church. Thus, the making of a ‘personal affirmation’ does not mean that one is free from all sin relative to the things affirmed but only that one recognizes the authenticity of the teaching of the Church, however personally challenging it may be, and the necessity of striving to live according to those teachings. Compassion is not compromise; compromise is not compassion.

The document, ENTRUSTED WITH SACRED DUTIES, is Bishop Vasa's document implementing Giving Testimony to the Truth.

The blog, Lair of the Catholic Cavemen, has this: The Car Crash of Blogs. You Don't Want To, But You Just Can't Help But Look

Somehow, that line sort of describes the LA wRECk, and since it's Lent, I thought I'd post excerpts from ENTRUSTED WITH SACRED DUTIES as a spiritual malox moment...

From the conclusion of the Dominican Litany:


Lord Jesus Christ, You instituted Your Church to be One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic, and founded it upon the Apostles and their successors, the bishops, priests and deacons, who trace their ordinations back to the Apostles. Be mindful of Your promise that the gates of hell, with its double curse of sin and ignorance, would not prevail against Your Church, built upon the head of the Apostolic College, Peter and his successors. Deign now to send Your Holy Spirit to guide our Holy Father, Benedict XVI, in his appointment of bishops in our beloved United States of America, laboring under vice and error. Send the Paraclete especially to our bishop of the Diocese of [n.], the Most Rev. [n.], in such wise that he may continually grow in his love of the true faith, in his ability to communicate it, and in his zeal to provide well for its growth in our midst. Supported by the prayers of all the Angels and Saints whom we have just invoked, we offer this plea most earnestly to You, Lord Jesus, Who live and reign forever and ever.
R/ Amen.

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