Monday, March 03, 2008

Parable meme

I was tagged with the Parable Meme by Athanasius contra mundum (50 Days After).
Heres how it goes:

1. You name your five favorite parables
2. You tag one blogger per parable.
3. It would be nice if you linked back to this post.

This day my five favorite parables of Jesus:

1. The prodigal son
2. The pearl
3. The lost sheep
4. Workers in the harvest
5. The unprofitable servant

Lent seems to have focused me on the mercy and love of our Lord Jesus Christ; that he had done for me so much, I have no despair for others, only impatience.

tagged: Anita, Adrienne, NorthernSonShine, FatherDownUnder, and Bill


  1. I'll get on this tonight after RCIA. I don't have a part to teach so I can work on it then.

    I know, I know - that sounds so high school. Not paying attention to what the other teachers are doing. But really, I am listening while working and like Father my ears go on full alert when a newer teacher starts mangling some point of doctrine (not that I'm perfect, I just have more experience)

  2. ........and, thanks for leading me to Anita - she is a wonderful writer.

    So glad you admire Father Speekman. He is truly a "voice crying out in the wilderness" and one of my favorites.
