Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Turth in Charity

I received the following from Abe Alsop, who attended our Dominican Chapter meetings until the pressing duties of family and young children overwhelmed his calendar. It's a beautiful articulation of living the faith in one's state of life, and a reminder that it is how we love, not what we know, that is the basis of the last judgement. Thank you, Abe!

I've registered TruthInCharity.org, which I think would be a good name for some sort of theological colloquium website, but I'm not sure what it would look like (let me know if you have any ideas). The name comes from something Pope Benedict said just before he was elected: "This faith, the only faith, creates unity and takes place in charity. St. Paul offers us a beautiful phrase, in opposition to the continual ups and downs of those who are like children tossed by the waves, to bring about truth in charity, as fundamental formula of Christian existence. Truth and charity coincide in Christ. In the measure that we come close to Christ, also in our life, truth and charity are fused. Charity without truth would be blind; truth without charity would be like 'a clanging cymbal' " And St. Dominic is attributed as saying he learned more from Charity than from any text, for "it teaches everything". I guess that's a good thing for me to remember at this stage in life, where my actions are hopefully speaking louder than the few words I
manage to ponder. I was raised (by a Lutheran pastor) to be very theological, and that continued in full force as I converted to the Church, and my year or two with the Dominicans was actually one of my last expressions of that mindset before I surrendered to this new phase of life where it's all I can do to just keep my family running smoothly. Maybe one day I will be able to ponder theologically for hours at a time again, but God knew I needed a decade or two of basic training in charity to ensure that my ideals take on flesh and dwell among us.

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