Through time, I have come to see clearly the urgent need for women religious in the world. While some groups of sisters were embracing a secular view of religious life and loosing their numbers, I never realized that a corresponding drop in priestly vocations would also be coming. Since those days, I have come to realize that John Paul II's teaching on the complimentarity between men and women holds also in the suprenatural realm; numbers of vocations among men tot he priesthood are proportionate to those women religious who support them in prayer and friendship
Taken from "Community Prepares to Celebrate a Decade of Blessings, 1997-2007,
A reflection by one who was there...
Fr. Giles Dimock, OP, STD,
Adjunct Professor of Theology,
Franciscan University of Steubenville

"Mater Eucharistiae" Vol. 10 Issue 2, Dec 2006
A publication of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist